Gem Bar | Selenite Tower

Gem Bar | Selenite Tower


The beautiful Selenite Skyscraper Specimen for Lightbox, with fine, directional crystals of Selenite has a pearl-like luster, making it a gorgeous decor item. Each specimen is completely unique and gives a cool radiance and soft white glow when lit up with a Light box, making it look like a beautiful miniature ice tower. With its deep healing and cleansing characteristics, Selenite shields a person or space from negative energies, and restores mental clarity with smooth flow of positive energies. The powerful vibration of Selenite activates the Crown and Higher Chakra. Selenite properties coupled with the aligned Chakras dispense calmness and serenity making it ideal for meditation, healing practices and spiritual growth. Ideal to be placed at home or office to purify the environment. It also charges and reactivates gemstone jewelry and crystals placed near it.

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